31.3.2014 klo 14-16, Pikkuparlamentin Kansalaisinfo, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki
The European NGO’s and social movements are campaigning for unconditional basic income as a new social right for all EU citizens. How does the future of basic income look like? What are the potential pathways for basic income’s realization on the EU level? What can MEP’s and citizens do in order to make basic income recognized as a new social right?
Stanislas Jourdan (journalist, activist in UBIE – Unconditional Basic Income Europe network): The European campaign for unconditional basic income: lessons from the past and perspectives for the future
Panel discussion with Finnish MEP candidates Silvia Modig (The Left Alliance), Touko Aalto (The Greens) and Thomas Wallgren (SDP), Finnish basic income activist Otto Lehto (BIEN Finland) and Stanislas Jourdan (UBIE)